
This is the repo for the paper Stylizing Audio Reactive Visuals at the workshop NeurIPS Workshop on Machine Learning for Creativity and Design 3.0. Some of the code is modified from the official StyleGAN repo.


2.1 Feature Extraction

python feature_extraction.py --bpm $bpm_of_music --path $path_to_mp3

This file extracts the low pass, band pass and high pass features from the song using filters.

2.2 Generating Images

cd resource
sh download.sh

Download the StyleGAN repo using the sh file located in the resource folder.

python gen_images.py --model_path $path_to_pretrained_model

Run the script and specify the pretrained model of StyleGAN you downloaded to generate the image files for the song. Modify the style.yaml file to change the mixing of style layers.

StyleGan Code, LSUN bedroom and celeba pretrained models: https://github.com/NVlabs/stylegan

Painting Pretrained Model: https://www.reddit.com/r/MachineLearning/comments/bagnq6/p_stylegan_trained_on_paintings_512x512/

2.3 Generating Video

python create_video.py --music $path_to_mp3

Run the create video script to merge the images and music file into the final video.