Han-Hung Lee

Simon Fraser University CS PhD Student

Email: hla300@sfu.ca


Hello, I am Han-Hung Lee and I am currently a PhD student at Simon Fraser University under the supervision of professor Angel Xuan Chang. My research interests include 3D Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing. With a focus on 3D representation learning and Text to 3D Generation.

Previously, I received my B.S. degree in the Undergraduate Program of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from NTHU. I have also interned at IIS Sinica under the supervision of Hwann-Tzong Chen and Tyng-Luh Liu.

selected publications

  1. duoduoclip.png
    Duoduo CLIP: Efficient 3D Understanding with Multi-View Images
    Han-Hung Lee, Yiming Zhang, and Angel X. Chang
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.11579, 2024
  2. tt3dstar.png
    Text-to-3D Shape Generation
    Hanhung Lee, Manolis Savva, and Angel X Chang
    In Computer Graphics Forum , 2024
  3. tricolo.png
    TriCoLo: Trimodal Contrastive Loss for Text To Shape Retrieval
    Yue Ruan*, Han-Hung Lee*, Yiming Zhang, and 2 more authors
    In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision , 2024
  4. pure.gif
    Understanding pure clip guidance for voxel grid nerf models
    Han-Hung Lee, and Angel X Chang
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.15172, 2022
  5. tgnn.png
    Text-guided graph neural networks for referring 3d instance segmentation
    Pin-Hao Huang*, Han-Hung Lee*, Hwann-Tzong Chen, and 1 more author
    In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence , 2021
  6. stylizing.png
    Stylizing Audio Reactive Visuals
    Han-Hung Lee, Da-Gin Wu, and Hwann-Tzong Chen
    In NeurIPS Workshop on Machine Learning for Creativity and Design , 2019